We Can't Be Doctors Without You

Having worked with MSF for a number of years on fundraising campaigns, I was excited to be given the opportunity to develop a creative communications strategy for them. Despite a number of very successful fundraising campaigns, spontaneous awareness of MSF remained low. While Ireland is a relatively small market, there is much it could contribute to the global organistion through recruitment and the development of an audience of advocate donors, those who go beyond donating to advocate for global justice.
We needed a communications strategy that would position MSF as a solution for potential recruits and advocate donors. A solution for those who know that they are capable of doing more, people with untapped, world-changing potential. The creative concept we developed needed to serve as their rallying cry.
The work MSF do is extraordinary, they save lives on both sides of the front lines, responding to conflict, medical emergencies, natural disasters, and supporting health services in places where they have been decimated. In short, they go where they are needed. I was pondering this while walking to the McCann office one day when it struck me, “We can’t be doctors without you”.
Donations make it possible for skilled people to give their time to do lifesaving work. Without “you” there are no doctors in the field. No engineers on the ground maintaining the vehicles that get medical staff to the front line. No logisticians ensuring medical equipment is in situ when they get there.
I wrote an emotive, motivational spoken word short film to be the focal point of the campaign. You can read the script below.
The Script
MSF We Can’t Be Doctors Without You Script
“Why do you want to do this?” they ask.
As if the answer’s an easy task.
Could this be the one, the crazy scheme,
That helps fulfil a long-held dream?
Could this make real that cherished notion,
The one that crosses land and ocean?
That I can somehow make a difference,
Not contribute to this world’s indifference?
But there’s that voice saying, “You’ve lost your mind.”
And the thought of those you’ll leave behind.
But what if you don’t go, what then?
Back at the nine to five again?
Back to the grind, the day to day,
While untapped potential fades away.
What if I give the expected a belated blow,
And see places people don’t normally go.
Island places overrun with water.
Sandy places witness to slaughter.
Cities in the grip of disease.
Countries with resources squeezed.
People talking about ten-year plans…
I just need to get out of here man.
Challenge myself with the unfamiliar,
Face up to the downright peculiar.
Use my skills where danger lies,
Where every success is a cherished prize.
What if, just once, convention goes unheeded…
“Why do you want to do this?”
Because I must go where I’m needed.
We can’t be Doctors Without…
Join us today.
The Video
While the script was recorded in full, I unfortunately don’t have a copy of that edit. You can see a snippet of it which was used to support a recent fundraising campaign below.
The campaign
I led a team of art directors and designers in creating a full suite of “We can’t be doctors without you” campaign assets, including print, out-of-home, digital, social, web, event collateral and more. Unfortunately COVID-19 called a halt to many of our plans, and I left McCann before I could help to bring the full campaign to fruition. I am happy to see a part of the creative communications strategy supporting the lifesaving work of MSF today.