The Heart of Dublin City

We Dubs are famously proud of our city. But most of us don’t realise that many of the things we take pride in are the result of the work of Dublin City Council. They are responsible for hanging baskets, traffic lights, the Fire Brigade, leisure centres, libraries playgrounds and everything in between. They keep this city living, working, moving and playing.
I wrote the script and produced the treatment for a video that would position Dublin City Council where it belongs, at the heart of everything that happens in the city. This video–produced by Collective–became the centrepiece of a redesigned recruitment and induction process that would help to attract and inspire new hires.
The video script was adapted into a book that is sent to all new employees before their first day. It also inspired the narrative structure for the induction presentation that all employees are brought through. Who said decks had to be dull eh?
Client: Dublin City Council
Agency: McCann Dublin
Art Direction: Aoife Flynn
Video Production and Photography: Collective
Print Design: Kieron Farrel